Football Christmas Blaster box


Bench Warmer
So for christmas I got a blaster box of Playoff absolute memorabilia. I was very excited because I had heard good things about this product. The box says find a rookie exclusive jersey card in every box so that just added to the excitement. The highlight of the box was an andre hall spectrum rookie #/100. There was NO jersey card in the box. :mad: So I e-mailed them and they said I need to seend them the UPC and origional reciept. well I dont have the reciept because it was a gift. any ideas on what I should do? also the Andre hall is for trade. Merry Christmas to all
well it is a retail box but u dont always get what is in there but just say it was a gift for christmas im sure they will understand.
wont matter with reciept at the store anyone could lie, companys rip people off like that all the time....