Check out My Cards?


Bench Warmer
I just signed up for the site when I noticed there were a couple of cards on there I wanted to pick up.

I have registered.

Can you pay via paypal on the site?

Anything else I need to know?
you should be able to go straight paypal or credit card, they did have a minimum that you could place, but i think that has can email them and they usually get back to you within 24 hours and are quite good at customer service and such
I wish someone would buy all the **** I have on COMC.

Me too!

Only negative i have with COMC is the listing fee for uncirculated/jumbo cards but this is coming from a guy whose collection of uncirculated won't even fit in a monster box.
I just had a big 50% off sale and did rather well got rid a ton of stuff lot of flipper crap stuff i had up here for nearly a yr. but still have 1900 cards and sent in another lot today :)
really no you have to go through and change prices unless you do a port sale . But that you have to wait 3 more weeks to do. But you have a very small amount to change. Try doing 2000 plus lol. It will prob take you 10 mins to change yours you can do 500 cards per page.just type your price and press enter it will update it and move you to the next one. But the adds are great it cost's like 6.00 but the last sale was great .
To post the add for a port sale if you want to just move it fast. But you can do 50% off sale's or less any time you want.