Football Casebreakers 2014 Topps Museum Collection - BREAK COMPLETE

Still waiting on a couple payments but we'll proceed with the draft tonight. No delivery confirmation yet but hoping to break this weekend if no delay on release or shipping.
The draft is on. The randomized list is posted below and we can begin immediately. Good luck all!

On the clock: KPit1978
On-deck: Crpalmi

Draft Order:
1. KenGraff - Texans
2. Yzerisdaman - Rams
3. KPit1978
4. Crpalmi
5. Dvashun

Available Teams:
Last edited:
KenGraff and Yzerisdaman have made their picks. List above is updated and email sent to KPit.
Final Draft Results;

Draft Order:
1. KenGraff - Texans
2. Yzerisdaman - Rams
3. KPit1978 - Cardinals
4. Crpalmi - Chargers
5. Dvashun - Ravens
Unfortunately this is confirmed and the new date is 3/4. There was no notice of the delay but figured something was up when I still had no dc# a day before release. Let me look at options...
Does this mean we would already have paid for the feb break and completely scratch the Museum break?
I wish I could do that but BO has our money and the case is ordered. I can see if they will let us switch the order to a different product if everyone wants that but because I don't see much for Feb releases we could also hold off and do a double March break as Five Star releases Mar 11.
