Football Casebreakers 2014 Panini Elite FB Case Break - COMPLETE

Sorry, no driver, no case, no break. Will updaate tomorrow but new break day is Saturday.

No driver????? Let's find him!

Trust me, I really wanted to break tonight especially knowing I have to be out of town tomorrow but it's not meant to be. My wife should be able to pick it up tomorrow so when I get home Saturday evening we should be breaking. I'll update the time as soon as I know my flight schedule... eventually, we'll be ripping! Thanks for your patience guys.
I also have Saturday night plans. Any chance there will be a video saved somewhere? Either way good luck everyone!
It is indeed break day! I verified my wife picked up the case so as long as I make it home from Michigan today (I fly stand-by as an ex-employee) we will break tonight. I hope to be home by 8pm so we'll shoot for 9pm(ct) and I will try BreakersTV. I will also try to record a separate video to load to youtube (probably won't be loaded until tomorrow) for those that can't make it. Good luck all!
Quick update everyone. I'm back and the case is ready to be cracked open. We'll go for 9pm which is about 40 minutes from now. A quick rule ademdum for Panini since they started inserting Panini Point cards instead of redemptions so I will award those point cards (if pulled) to the owner of a team that failed to get a hit (auto or relic card). This will not apply to drafted teams but all full slot teams that didn't receive a hit will be randomized here on TCC and awarded that way. To clarify, that doesn't mean the participant that didn't get a hit, but the team that didn't get a hit. I don't want to penalize anyone for taking additional teams so if one of their teams hits and the other doesn't, they are still entered in the randomization for the team that failed to get them any hits.Hope that works for everyone but if we need to hold a vote for future Panini products I'm open to that.

Good luck all, I'll post the link to the BreakersTV as soon as we get closer.
Computer ran out of power. Plugged back in and I'm up and running but need to confirm you can see and hear me.

I received duplicates of my 2 "Face-to-Face" insert cards (Talib/Smith & Wallace/Cromarte).

Could you send one each of the duplicates to the owner of the other teams?

Thanks for the break Chris! Love all the Moncriefs :)

I'll take all Lucks, RC's, inserts, hits etc but I only need one of each of the other Colts base please :)