Cards for sale


Bench Warmer
trying to sell a few cards to make an extra few bucks

heres my pricing

gu bv $8.00-$10.00 sale for $2.00
gu bv $12.00-$15.00 sale for $3.50
gu bv $20.00-$25.00 sale for $6.00
gu bv higher then $25 please make offers
please make offers on autos(no asking for much)

*dual gu will be 1 or 2 more bucks added*


2006-07 topps trademark moves signature dunk level 1 dwyane wade #ed to 35 2006-07 topps triple threads gold relic jrsy/patch/jrsy rudy gay #ed 6/9

i want to see picture of wade and how much would u sell those two for i only got 45$ to spend nameprices on both though
wade im looking for around $50ish and r. gay im looking for around 20.00

ill trytoget u a scan by tonight if not tomorrow morning i will

2005 upperdeck baseball heroes gu pants yogi berra #ed to 99
2002 topps pristine portions gu todd helton #ed to 1000
2002 spx winning materials base/base combos arod/troy gluas #ed to 200

Whats the BV on those?
the berra was sold

but the helton books 8-10 sell for $2.00
arod/gluas books 25 sell for $8.00
so 10.00 for both which is just under 1/3 book lmk

Oh and I looked again and Im interested in these too (How much?):

2001 playoff absolute memorabilia tools of the trade todd helton #ed to 100
2003 playoff absolute tools of the trade gu pedro martinez #ed to 250
2003 donruss gamers gu mike mussina #ed to 100
2004 leaf certified materials jersey barry zito #ed to 200
2004 leaf certified materials fabric of the game jersey(w/ stripe) gary sheffield #ed to 100
2006 topps triple threads gold ernie banks #ed 2/9
2002 spx winning materials base/base combos arod/troy gluas #ed to 200

2003 donruss gamers gu mike mussina #ed to 100

2004 leaf certified materials jersey barry zito #ed to 200

2005 upperdeck baseball heroes gu pants al kaline #ed to 99
2006 topps triple threads gold ernie banks #ed 2/9

2005 donruss classics significant signatures gold mike morse #ed to 50
2004 leaf certified mirror white autograph marlon byrd #ed to 50

can you tell me each bv and sv?
****cards that are gone****

2004 leaf certified materials jersey barry zito #ed to 200
2005 upperdeck baseball heroes gu pants al kaline #ed to 99
2006 topps triple threads gold ernie banks #ed 2/9
2001 playoff absolute memorabilia tools of the trade todd helton #ed to 100
2005 upperdeck baseball heroes gu pants yogi berra #ed to 99
2006 uperdeck epic pairings jeter/griffey dual gu #ed to 99
Can I get individual prices for the 2 Caron Butler RC autos and the K. Garnett Finest RC.
