Baseball Cancelled and Breaking 2022 Absolute Baseball 2 Hobby Boxes Bonus 2022 Donruss Blaster!


5.00 star(s)

2022 Panini Absolute Baseball Cards​

Well, thought there'd be a little interest in this. Especially after adding a blaster. But I be wrong.​

So, going to break one for me and sell the blaster and hobby on eBay, unless someone wants to be them for $190 delivered.
Going to break at about 1800 tonight.

Boasting "the perfect blend of nostalgic hits with a modern twist, giving collectors of all ages something to hunt," 2022 Panini Absolute Baseball highlights a mix of past and present MLBPA stars.

2022 Panini Absolute Baseball Hobby Box Break Average​

  • 2 Autographs
  • 2 Relics
  • 1 #'d Insert
162 cards with 100 base and 62 Rookie cards.
Two Boxes 40 cards total with 4 autos and 4 Relics

Bonus box of 2022 Donruss Baseball 90 Cards 6 Packs 15 Cards per Pack

12 Holo Purple and 6 Rapture Parallels per box.

Target = $400 Bids = 0 To Go = $400

Have any questions? LMK Bob
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So, what is wrong with the Absolute Break?
Boxes were $148 + $11.84 Tax and $10 shipping x2 - shipping = $329.68
Donruss was $24.99 + 2.00 Tax $26.99
Shipping usually runs about $40 depending on how many bidders.
So, not making anything on this break either.
Thanks and Thoughts?
Watch Jabs Family break a ten box case and find that Panini overloaded the boxes with extra autos and autographed booklet in every master box. Who knows what might be in the two boxes, I have.
So, nobody willing to gamble here?
I will close this out tonight and break one of them tonight at about 7 tonight, if you want to see what you missed out on!
Change of Plans. Picked up a Absolute Blaster and throwing that in. Again, not making anything on this,, just breaking cards.
Will give this a week to get started.
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