Bench Warmer
We know that Pay ton Manning in the regular Season hes Money one of the best QB , but until coming to the PLayoff this year he was not the Manning we all know he just was not good. Until this year he Came back from the Patriots and won the game, Went to the Superbolw did good enough to give the Colts the win and Finally Manning Became a champion a winner just what he needed for his spectaculor career
Now Alex Rodriguex is the Same in the Regular Season hes Money , but the Post season hes the Alex Rodriguez we all know . Do you think he can get the monkey off his back and win the Ws and Just make his career Better Like Payton Manning did
Can he do it or not ?????
Now Alex Rodriguex is the Same in the Regular Season hes Money , but the Post season hes the Alex Rodriguez we all know . Do you think he can get the monkey off his back and win the Ws and Just make his career Better Like Payton Manning did
Can he do it or not ?????