Buying & Trading for Phil Hughes!

I don't know what its worth, but his autos are selling for pretty much nothing. I want a ballpark price of what you are looking for and I can make a legit offer. like a price range. here are recent auctions that ended:

2007 SP PHIL HUGHES BY THE LETTER SIGNATURE /25 - eBay (item 220276137164 end time Sep-08-08 09:47:24 PDT)

2007 SP Authentic: Letter Signature Phil Hughes 25/50 - eBay (item 260279929838 end time Aug-31-08 18:04:40 PDT)

2007 SP Authentic Phil Hughes auto jersey letter 27/50 - eBay (item 300252815785 end time Aug-28-08 18:16:51 PDT)

let me know what your thinking...kevin
ok ill hit you up when its in man and i can only do paypal....also i might trade it if you have any bluejays stuff not in your buckett.send me a pm if u have anything bluejays gu/autos.IF not 20 and its yours.