bucket is competely for sale! i meen everything!!

lil brettinator

Bench Warmer
i am selling my stuff to get a box of triple threads, i have all my baseball in baseball sale only section, lil-brettinator - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

joe klopfenstein auto:10 dlvd
ronde barber future hof: 20 dlvd
maurice stovall gu/auto:10 dlvd
brandon williams :7 dlvd
lebron james gu:10 dlvd
tony hunt 4 clr jumbo swatch:18 dlvd
yamon figurs gu/auto:10 dlvd
yamon figurs pullout auto:10 dlvd
calvin johnson jumbo patch:35 dlvd
deshaun foster gu:3 dlvd
troy smith/yamon figurs gu:10 dlvd
johnnie higgens3 clr jumbo patch:15 dlvd
j.p. losmon quad gu: 8 dlvd
drew stanton gu:5 dlvd
curtis martin gu:10 dlvd
vince young jumbo gu:20 dlvd
antonio gates gu:6 dlvd
j.r. russel auto: 1 dlvd lol ( i dont know who he is so ur gettin thge auto pretty much for free, lol)
gaines adams 5 clr prime patch : 10 dlvd
chansi stuckey auto:8 dlvd
boomer esiason auto:40 dlvd
mercades lewis quad gu/ball: 15 dlvd
dwyane wright auto:5 dlvd
jason hill auto:5 dlvd
darius walker auto:8 dlvd
marcus trufant rc auto:12 dlvd
ladanian tomlinson ref #ed/199: 5 dlvd

if u like anything else in my bucket then lmk and ill give u a price.
i could do those two for this the shaq sells for 40 - 50 so u could probly sell it and raise $ towards ur topps tripple threads but i like these

jason hill jersey auto
hunt patch
cj patch
higginns patch
young oversize gu