Football Broncos and Giants discussing deal for LB WIlson


Bench Warmer
By Adam Schefter
NFL Analyst

(March 22, 2007) -- In the NFL's off-season of The Trade, the newest one could come this weekend.

The Broncos and Giants are engaged in talks that could result in Pro Bowl middle linebacker Al Wilson being shipped from Denver to New York, multiple sources said.

Denver has had extensive talks with numerous teams this offseason regarding Wilson, but the talks with the Giants are the most substantive and heated to date.

New York has a glaring need at the linebacker position, and Wilson could be the ideal player to line up to next to veteran Antonio Pierce.

Denver is also talking with the Detroit Lions and Philadelphia Eagles, but the Giants seem to be the most likely landing spot at this point.

The reason Denver has even entertained the idea of trading Wilson is cost. Wilson is scheduled to make $5.2 million in base salary this season and he could earn another $600,000 in workout bonuses.

Strapped with all the big moves they have made this off-season -- giving running back Travis Henry $12 million in guaranteed money and tight end Daniel Graham $15 million in guaranteed money -- the Broncos need to shave costs elsewhere.

They decided to explore doing it at linebacker, where they would be ready to shuffle their unit. Former strong-side linebacker D.J. Williams could shift inside, to middle linebacker, to Wilson's position, where Denver can better take advantage of his wide-ranging abilities.

Since they've made this decision, Wilson's new agent, Denver-based Peter Schaffer, has worked to try to facilitate a deal. He has found interest around the league, but is being careful about trying to place Wilson into the best situation.

There is no question Denver would miss Wilson, one of the unquestioned emotional leaders not only of its defense, but its team.

But Denver's loss would be New York's gain
I was really hoping these talks would die down........and the Chiefs could slip in there. But I know Denver would never trade a good asset like Wilson to a rival AFC West team :(