Breaker4310 Mail day

Lol @Amandashubby2010 ,, I love my cowboys but some cards I want are way overpriced, so I thought it would be fun to collect certain qb that I find will blow up later on down the line
Bad thing there is a lot I am terrified of the "Tebow Effect" especially with guys like Manziel . Was the same way about Cam at first until I watched him progress.
I feel that, who'd thought that about tebow, hopefully someone might break through in being the next star and since all my cards are going to my son I would love for him to have something, also I want him to know who I watched play
Yea that's how I feel about my Jordan and James one day my girls can cherish it or cash out invested a little so maybe one day the will have something to get them started. More fun than gold .
They tell everybody it's dads special box. And ask to look through it every once in a while. My youngest collects pigs and understands collecting . My wife has her dolphin collection and my oldest collects book series so they get it to a point but don't know what so cool about common cards.
My son just started collecting football with me but before that he collected batman and xmen trading cards, luckily he had them all in toploaders so I know he's gonna take care of them,
Nice,,I received one yesterday,it only took like 3 weeks,,yet panning is going on 6 months on 3 cards,sheesh

Panini not panning
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