Break Complete! Teams/Bids Locked! 2022 Topps Allen and Ginter Team Auction Style 12 Hobby Box Group Case Break

Okay I think I am going to try something I have been thinking about and have been wanting to do for a while. And it seems like now would be the perfect time during the holiday season.

I’m going to try to put a 300 card base card set of this together and then sell it on eBay and donate the proceeds to charity from SCC.

That said…please let me know if anybody would be interested in trading or donating an extra base card from their team(s) to help me do this. Please feel free to PM me and let me know what you would be looking for in return for trades.

And please let me know if anybody has any questions.

Your right, perfect timing, Im in!

My 2 cents.

I have bought cases of this stuff in the past. On average I have always been able to but together 3-4 base sets and 2 complete sets together with SPs. If everyone willing, You would be able to get much more with the base + SP set. (350 cards)