Oct 16, 2021 #46 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) Mike said: Option 1 look good to me too. Click to expand... Thanks Mike!
Oct 16, 2021 #47 O OldNewRips All-Star Transactions 195 5.00 star(s) I'll vote for option 2 just so it doesn't feel left out. They all look fun though.
Oct 16, 2021 #48 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) OldNewRips said: I'll vote for option 2 just so it doesn't feel left out. They all look fun though. Click to expand... Haha sounds good thanks got you down for a vote for option 2. Thanks, Mike
OldNewRips said: I'll vote for option 2 just so it doesn't feel left out. They all look fun though. Click to expand... Haha sounds good thanks got you down for a vote for option 2. Thanks, Mike
Oct 18, 2021 #49 captkirk42 Old School Vintage Transactions 54 5.00 star(s) Looks like number 1 has it.
Oct 18, 2021 #50 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) captkirk42 said: Looks like number 1 has it. Click to expand... Yeah looks like it will be option 1 this month. Planning to put the order in for the boxes tomorrow. Mike
captkirk42 said: Looks like number 1 has it. Click to expand... Yeah looks like it will be option 1 this month. Planning to put the order in for the boxes tomorrow. Mike
Oct 19, 2021 #51 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) Option 1 wins and the boxes have been ordered and are on the way. I’ll do the draft team randomization tomorrow so we can get those teams picked before the boxes arrive. Thanks, Mike
Option 1 wins and the boxes have been ordered and are on the way. I’ll do the draft team randomization tomorrow so we can get those teams picked before the boxes arrive. Thanks, Mike
Oct 20, 2021 #52 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) Draft team randomization will be TODAY Wednesday October 20th at 10am PST. Thanks, Mike
Oct 20, 2021 #53 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) Here is the draft spot randomization video, good luck to everybody!
Oct 20, 2021 #54 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) Okay draft spot randomization has been completed and the draft order is set. @kpit1978 you are up first to select your draft spot team. Please let me know what team you would like. Thanks, Mike
Okay draft spot randomization has been completed and the draft order is set. @kpit1978 you are up first to select your draft spot team. Please let me know what team you would like. Thanks, Mike
Oct 21, 2021 #55 kpit1978 MVP Transactions 363 5.00 star(s) I'll take the A's...for some reason I get the feeling that Rickey Henderson might make an appearance.
I'll take the A's...for some reason I get the feeling that Rickey Henderson might make an appearance.
Oct 21, 2021 #56 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) kpit1978 said: I'll take the A's...for some reason I get the feeling that Rickey Henderson might make an appearance. Click to expand... Thanks I have you down for the A’s. smalltime35 is up next. Thanks, Mike
kpit1978 said: I'll take the A's...for some reason I get the feeling that Rickey Henderson might make an appearance. Click to expand... Thanks I have you down for the A’s. smalltime35 is up next. Thanks, Mike
Oct 21, 2021 #57 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) smalltime35 took the Rangers. @PAVI39 you are up to choose your draft team. Please let me know what team you would like. Thanks, Mike
smalltime35 took the Rangers. @PAVI39 you are up to choose your draft team. Please let me know what team you would like. Thanks, Mike
Oct 21, 2021 #59 grapler135s Immortal Staff member Transactions 4,062 5.00 star(s) PAVI39 said: I'll take Royals. Click to expand... Got you down for the Royals thanks. @OldNewRips you are up to choose your draft team from the remaining teams. Thanks, Mike
PAVI39 said: I'll take Royals. Click to expand... Got you down for the Royals thanks. @OldNewRips you are up to choose your draft team from the remaining teams. Thanks, Mike