Brady Manning Young Kelly Payton Lynch Romo Slaton Aikman SJax Hawk Campbell Edwards

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cowboysrgr8 said:
im sorry bro. i didnt need the aikman. the one i showed you was mine.
the only thing i could use at this time is the romo. just curious though of the manning and the payton. what do they look like and the values

Scans are viewable in my bucket, in the link in my first thread. Peyton is $200 and the Payton is $250.
Vikesrule said:
Like these. Please shoot me any ideas, even combos, if you see anything. Thanks!
2008 Exquisite Legendary Signatures Gold Autograph /40#d Steve Slaton
2008 Exquisite Legendary Signature Hologold Dual Jersey Auto /20#d Peyton Manning
2008 SP Authentic Sign of Times Auto Gold /25#d Troy Aikman

Not seeing much I could use right now, you have some sweet old school inserts but I don't collect them anymore unfortunately.
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