Football Boxbreakers Casebreakers Black Friday Break #3 - COMPLETE

20 minutes till break time. I'll post the link to UStream here in about 10 minutes. Hopefully a few can join us but I will post a recap video of just the hits after the carnage is over. Good luck all!
`Sorry guys, technical difficulties. I will update as soon as I can but give me about 20 minutes to resolve.
Missed the break due to watching the craziness that was the Packers/Cardinals game!!! How did it go?
Video is uploading now and should be posted soon. Not great in my opinion but had a Bortles Auto #/25, Namath Auto #/25, nice quad auto out of Limited for the Dolphins. I'm afraid no KB or Cam auto's for you but I'll get that video up in a few minutes.
The Aaron Murray collection is growing, now for him to play and come out like McCarron did (I wish). I don't need any of the base, so anyone interested in them can have them or Chris can burn them to keep warm up there. I'll be back for #4. Thanks again, congrats on the Namath.