Football Boxbreakers Casebreakers Black Friday Break #2 - COMPLETE

Thanks for the break Chris, I liked this version of the recap. I only want hits, not interested in plain numbered cards or parallels, so if anyone wants Freeman RC base, they are welcome to them.
Thanks Chris. Nice break
only 3 hits for me, if i'm right but not that bad
I will take all the cards: hits, inserts and bases, please
Thanks for the break Chris, I liked this version of the recap. I only want hits, not interested in plain numbered cards or parallels, so if anyone wants Freeman RC base, they are welcome to them.

Thanks Joe, they have been claimed!

I'll have everything sorted by tonight so I'll assume everyone wants the same as last break so if different please let me know asap!
I know you had at least one auto for the Skins and a few for the Panthers but can't remember names at the moment.
I saw the recap but didn't see any Skins. Maybe I missed it! Saw the Kelvin Benjamin/Cam Newton Dual JSY that's nice.
Thanks Chris! Happy with my seashawks hits. I will keep both teams for the next one. May switch Rams out if another team comes open
thanks chris! unelss otherwise claimed/packed if the chelios and ovechkin from the nat'l packs are unspoken for, i'd be down for em!
Sorry, I forgot to post that as I randomized last night and the points go to;

250 Points:

150 Points: