Football Boxbreakers Casebreakers 2015 Topps 3 Case Group Break - Break COMPLETE

Cases arrived today! I'd love to break Monday night if we can get those last payments in.
Sportscloset12 has checked in so I just need to hear from Otter and Po10sho and we can schedule it.
Ok, sounds like everyone should be in so we will go for the break Monday night at 8pm(ct) as long as we can complete the draft in time. The list has been randomized so we may begin immediately.

On the clock: KenGraff
On-deck: Yzerisdaman

Draft Order:
1. Josh1975 - Chargers
2. Schickfaced - Jaguars
3. FrankieFBcards - Patriots
4. Crpalmi - Panthers
5. KenGraff - Colts
6. Yzerisdaman - Ravens
7. Rabs - Bills

Available Teams;
Last edited:
KenGraff goes Colts
Yzerisdaman goes Ravens
That leaves Bills for Rabs

Let's break tonight at 8pm (ct)!
10 minutes till break time! This will be a long one with 3 cases so I'll do a recap video of just the hits. Good luck all!

Link to be posted shortly.
A couple Mariota's, a Cooper, multiple David Johnson's, and tons and tons of rookies and parallels. I'll get a recap video of the hits up tomorrow morning and the new thread for our first 2016 product of the year up in the next couple days. Thanks all!