For those of you who buy cards at Blowout using your credit card, just a heads up to keep an eye on your account activity. 3 days ago I received an email from them saying that some information had potentially been compromised. Here are the details from the email:
Today I received an unauthorized charge of $400+ to my credit card, likely as a result of this data breach. Again, if you used your credit card at Blowout between the dates specified, I highly recommend going ahead and requesting a new card as soon as possible. I simply hadn't had time to sit down and get it done and I paid for it. Luckily the lady I spoke with thought that I caught it quick enough (I get instant charge notification emails) that they'll be able to reverse the charge and credit my account back.
Information compromised include the names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, credit or debit card numbers, card expiration dates, and card verification codes for customers who checked out via our website shopping cart in January 2017 through April 20th, 2017. This security breach was limited to credit and debit card customers.
Today I received an unauthorized charge of $400+ to my credit card, likely as a result of this data breach. Again, if you used your credit card at Blowout between the dates specified, I highly recommend going ahead and requesting a new card as soon as possible. I simply hadn't had time to sit down and get it done and I paid for it. Luckily the lady I spoke with thought that I caught it quick enough (I get instant charge notification emails) that they'll be able to reverse the charge and credit my account back.