Birthday Break FREE For Previous Bidders--11-17


5.00 star(s)
Hi Guys
I've been doing breaks on both thebenchtrading and Sportscardclub for over a year now.

So, in appreciation of those bidders that have won at least 3 teams through the year, I am breaking a 2021 Topps Update Hobby Box on my birthday, November 17, at 1130 PST!

On that day, I will take the list of 30 bidders and randomize a MLB team to each bidder and then break the box. Then will list the free transactions.

Thanks again, to everyone that have won teams and bid in the past, to help reach the Targets.

Please check out my current breaks and get points to next years' birthday break.


LarryG1. Colorado Rockies
bdink252. Cincinnati Reds
Crazyderick3. San Diego Padres
Butch's Buddy4. Kansas City Royals
Horfin5. Tampa Bay Rays
Steelers88736. New York Yankees
Sasquach7. Chicago White Sox
OldNewRips8. Atlanta Braves
dad3309@9. Miami Marlins
mechjo10. Toronto Blue Jays
AndyDrummond11. Detroit Tigers
Prospector912. St. Louis Cardinals
dcb1113. Seattle Mariners
gestes14. Arizona Diamondbacks
grapler15. Houston Astros
cornwellfamily16. Los Angeles Dodgers
bearpup17. Texas Rangers
KCRoyal18. Milwaukee Brewers
kpit197819. Chicago Cubs
Journeyman20. Washington Nationals
ripahi21. Los Angeles Angels
TomN22. Philadelphia Phillies
Who76523. Oakland Athletics
Dan524. Pittsburgh Pirates
Fox25x25. Minnesota Twins
Jerryjtj26. San Francisco Giants
Mcgwirenut27. New York Mets
mike28. Cleveland Indians
Rburke0229. Baltimore Orioles
franklinguy5230. Boston Red Sox
Last edited:
Everyone who's confirmed, their cards have been shipped. Still have a few still pending.
Prospecter, still waiting payment!