Football Bengals Chris Henry passes away at 26-RIP


Bench Warmer
FOXSports' Alex Marvez reports that Henry is on life support. Bengals beat writer Joe Reedy says Henry is "believed" to have suffered head injuries before being found roadside by police. Henry "came out" of the truck during a domestic dispute with his fiancee, a Charlotte native. As Henry's fiancee was allegedly driving away in the pickup, he is said to have jumped into the bed and ultimately fell or was forced out. Henry had been in Charlotte to finalize wedding plans. Police say Henry is still alive, but the situation is dire. Dec. 16 - 6:40 pm et
Source: Charlotte Observer
Police in Charlotte have confirmed that Chris Henry died Thursday morning.

Henry was on life support since reportedly falling out of the back of a pickup truck following a domestic dispute with his fiancee on Wednesday afternoon. Henry, 26, had a string of arrests but had recently turned his life around after getting a second chance from the Bengals. Dec. 17 - 9:57 am et
I'd be shocked if Alcohol was NOT a factor. No way this guy wasn't on something. I mean would you jump into the back of a moving pickup truck sober?
It is very sad what happend but how come atheletes can not stay out of trouble??? Its so ridiculous! Every week theres a new athelete in trouble for something idiotic
Some of you people have no class at all. Guy had everything going right for himself and was out of the trouble. Why does it seem to always be his fault??? Some people are so ignorant
Not to be a jerk here, but how is being in, and falling out of, the back of a moving truck NOT his fault? they don't have seats or seat belts in the bed of pick-ups for a reason...

regardless, I feel bad for his family etc, but it's not as if this guy was an angel.... he no doubt had his faults... yes he was doing better, but it was a domestic dispute and we all know that more details will come out.. I hope it's nothing too bad.. but nothing will bring this young man back.. sad sad sad situation
arod812 said:
Some of you people have no class at all. Guy had everything going right for himself and was out of the trouble. Why does it seem to always be his fault??? Some people are so ignorant

"Domestic Dispute" usually mean he was beating his wife............ Im not blaming him, but it seems like he was getting into trouble again.
I hope it wasn't that he was beating his wife..... either way.. no matter what the case was..
this young man is dead.. and that is sad for his family...