Bad news for the likes of Gerald Riggs, J.T. O'Sullivan, P.K. Sam, Cody Pickett, etc.

I honestly think this sucks *** but I guess if they were losing so much money each year that it's probably a good decision for the NFL.
well College is our development lg but they could do more here for these players . maybe let them play on mondays or tuesdays during season each team can place a select amount of players there to call up at any time during the yr .
dont they have the practice squad to call players up from?...i understand that they dont play real games or whatever...

didnt take the time to read the article since it takes forever for links to load thanks to dialup...kinda strikes me as odd that football cant hold its own in lower leagues, there are developmental leagues for all the other sports...unless arena and cfl count as development leagues
IMHO this league should be in the US and they should play in cities without NFL teams. No stadium size worries and players on the bubble still have a shot to develop. Money all around in my opinion.

Seriously wtf do we have the Arena League ? It's enetertaining but dumb as hell. :)
I think it's kind of ironic that NFLE folds, and later this year, the NFL will be playing their first game "across the pond". :think:
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dont they have the practice squad to call players up from?...i understand that they dont play real games or whatever...

didnt take the time to read the article since it takes forever for links to load thanks to dialup...kinda strikes me as odd that football cant hold its own in lower leagues, there are developmental leagues for all the other sports...unless arena and cfl count as development leagues
The Practice Squad has room for 5 players.

I think I development league in the US would do great in cities without NFL teams, as long as they don't try to charge $60 a ticket.
you know, there are over 120 semi-pro teams throughout America. Most manage to keep afloat all year. Sure, the attendance isn't spectacular but for us:

$550 for refs
$250 for the field

any money made after $800 is profit. Why not use semi-pro as a stepping stone?