Baseball Babe Ruth...Right Handed?


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So, the title of this thread might seem incredibly anyone who knows anything about baseball knows that Babe Ruth batted and threw left. However, I was reading through another forums threads and in a thread was this photo:

My initial thought was that perhaps this photo had simply been reversed...but looking at it I don't see anything in the photo to indicate it was (or was not). Nobody appears to be wearing wedding bands, watches, ect that would indicate a reversal.

So, here is my question...did the Babe write with his right hand and play baseball as a lefty? Or, was he ambidextrous...or has this image simply been reversed without any obvious evidence in the photo (that I can see)?
I seem to remember a scene in the movie "the Babe", where Ruth was in a slump, so he switched to right handed hitting. It is possible he was a switch hitting but he was much better on the left side.
I made a similar posting on another site and someone made a really good point. Ruth was born/raised around the turn of the century. At that time...being left handed was considered a problem and children were forced in school to learn to write with their right hand...even if they were naturally left handed. So, Ruth would have written with his right hand but been left handed in every other sense.
This picture should answer your question...

The Bambino did sign right handed, although I did see other pictures of him signing left handed. The man sitting behind the Babe has a hankerchief in his coat breast pocket and those are ALWAYS on the left side.

babe signing.jpg