babe ruth ft


Bench Warmer
i am considering trading one of my ruth gu so am fielding offers of hof stuff that catches my eye for either one. if trading down expect trade to be in my favor.

bv $450

bv $250
bgt masters, possible interest in these depending on trade offers plmk bv's
dimaggio au
luckman auto
mantle 1/1 gu
w.payton gu

arod812, what do you have to offer? tradelist/page?
bgt masters, possible interest in these depending on trade offers plmk bv's
dimaggio au
luckman auto
mantle 1/1 gu
w.payton gu

Payton 00 Leaf Certified Century Patch /21 $250
Payton 01 Fleer Genuine Names of the Games Patch /100 $150
Mantle Sterling Quad Prime RElics QUad 1/1 NO BV (/10 non Prime versions book $300-$600, so at least $600)
Dimaggio Auto $500
Luckman Cut Auto $250
Dang I liked that one too. As for what you liked I still have everything but the $150 Walter Payton Patch I sold earlier for $100, I still have the other patch. Anything we can work out for the Triple Threads Ruth? Perhaps something like my other Payton 2000 Leaf Certified Century Patch /21#d and the Luckman Cut or something?