anyone wttf my joe thomas auto redemption /50?


Transactions: 1
its 07 select, the card IS live, as i have seen 1 on ebay that sold for $12 + s/h

main wants are always exquisite that i dont have, but also looking to move to getting crappy 05 contenders autos that i dont have, might put that set together
I could use it my brother is a Badger fan


I have a Bradley Contenders auto and a Boller Ultimate Signatures Auto/275....
I could use it my brother is a Badger fan


I have a Bradley Contenders auto and a Boller Ultimate Signatures Auto/275....

not really looking for non rc boller autos and i have like 3 of the 04s that you speak of, so im covered...might be able to find you something for the bradley though
not really looking for non rc boller autos and i have like 3 of the 04s that you speak of, so im covered...might be able to find you something for the bradley though

I might have a few more Ill have to check on what else I have, going down to the bar right now....hopefully ill get snowed in :cheers: