Anyone collect bkb and willing to trade bb?


Bench Warmer
Im just starting to collect a little bit of baseball, mostly looking for Tigers (past and present), but Im having a hard time even being able to get gameused in. It seems to me that not very many people who collect baseball are willing to trade outside of baseball, so Im making this post to see what I can mix up. Let me know if you are interested in making a mixed sport deal, I have football and basketball. Ill trade for things that I can trade towards Tigers, or directly for Tigers. I just need a little baseball to get going, and any help would be appreciated.


i like the jameer nelson spa auto and jason richardson hardcourt commeratives auto. check the baseball section in my bucket. pm me for faster response. thanks!
tigsfan: nothing I really needed

mat19: no I dont have any of them. :(

Raptasguyvc15: I like the Rob Quinlen autograph. Would you happen to know bv's on the Jones and that?

devinharris34: kinda like the Bobby Crosby. depends what kinda value you'd need on it, lol not really sure who he is other than hearing his name in the news.
Quinlan is 20 and beckett has the Jones at 50!, I only really need one Jones for my collection I think Im gonna pass and pick up a cheaper one.