another thing i dont understand


Transactions: 1
so about a year ago, I sold a guy a bunch of press pass autos, like 50+...then like 6 months after that, he got out of cards, so he let me cherry pick at a discounted rate, so I essentially a message from him on ebay last night...he wants to buy again...

I know from time to time guys will borrow money and give up fairly high end stuff for their stuff that they offer to buy back in the future giving some interest on it, I remember Tim and Andy doing this when Tim was reopening his ice cream place and needed some starting cash...but that was with NICE HOF stuff...this is fairly low end press pass stuff that I was selling for $1.50-$4 and bought back at $1...
You hear from Grandpa lately or have a cell # for him ? I haven't heard from him or Phil in eons :\
So is the guy wanting to buy the stuff back from you at same price you bought it back from him ?