Football Agent points to Mangini for WR's injury


Bench Warmer
Cleveland Browns reserve receiver Syndric Steptoe will miss the season with a torn labrum in his shoulder, and his agent says coach Eric Mangini's decision-making is to blame, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.

The third-year veteran sustained the injury during Saturday's practice.

Agent Jerome Stanley said a last-minute change of plans from walk-through drills, which the players had expected, to a full-speed practice in heavy rain was the root of the injury.

"The coaches should more carefully weigh the risk of injury in practice decisions,'' Stanley said, according to the Plain Dealer. "My understanding is that the team was on the field for a walk-through the day before the scrimmage. The walk-through turned into a full practice in a driving rain."

The newspaper said Steptoe, the Browns seventh-round pick in 2007 who started five of 16 games last season, was carted off clutching his shoulder, though the specifics of how he was injured were unclear.

Saturday's practice consisted of no-contact drills in shorts and jerseys with no pads and no live tackling.

"Obviously, hindsight gives one a different perspective," Stanley said. "But if the practice had stayed a walk-through, Syndric wouldn't be preparing for season-ending surgery right now. The decision produced a bad result for the kid and the team.''

The Browns aren't confirming or commenting on injuries in training camp, the report said.

Steptoe had been practicing as a backup wideout and a kick returner.

Mangini, who ended the practice 20 minutes early because of the rain, was not available for comment, the report said.
Mangini disputes agent's injury blame

Cleveland Browns coach Eric Mangini has disputed an agent's claim that reserve receiver Syndric Steptoe suffered a season-ending injury because of a bad practice decision.

Mangini, who reportedly cut short a Saturday practice because of inclement weather, said the injury Steptoe sustained wasn't a result of field conditions or the nature of the drills.

''Seventy-nine other guys were able to practice effectively," Mangini said Sunday. "And really the play that he was injured on didn't have anything to do with the elements."

Steptoe's season was ended when he suffered a torn labrum, his agent, Jerome Stanley, told the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

"The coaches should more carefully weigh the risk of injury in practice decisions,'' Stanley said.

Stanley blamed the injury on a change of plans from walk-through drills, which he said the players had expected, to a full-speed practice in heavy rain.

''I haven't talked to Syndric Steptoe's agent. I don't know what he said,'' Mangini said. ''The practice we had planned is the practice that we executed Saturday.''

Mangini said Steptoe was diving for a pass when he was hurt. It was a move Steptoe commonly attempts in drills, according to the coach.

''He really laid out for the ball," Mangini said. "It was a great effort play; he just couldn't bring it in.''