77-83 shop day



Stopped by my local shop for what I thought was going to be a quick ten minute trip, but I found a couple more boxes of older cards in great condition, so the owner ended up chasing me out of there when he closed at 6:30. Found a bunch of Hawks (I grabbed everyone one of them I saw, so once I sort through them some of you 12th men (and women) might have a care package coming). Also found a few cards for the college guys, but I ran out of time to do a thorough search, so I'll have to make a trip back there some weekend when I have more time (though it'll have to be after I move next week).

Anyway, I wont post the college stuff (don't want to ruin the surprise), but here are the Hawks, plus another card of the throwin' Samoan...



makes me want to bust my old seahawk cards out :D Really are a portal in time, remember looking and collecting those when i was young :clap: :clap: :clap:
makes me want to bust my old seahawk cards out :D Really are a portal in time, remember looking and collecting those when i was young :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thats when I first start buying cards. I had bought a few packs of 77, but I had a TON of 78 once upon a time.