48 Hour DEAL: $50 For you! --- COMPLETE

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keepin the lead the same.

AC- The Obama is interesting, but it wouldn't be PC, and it might be too volatile as tradebait, as some people seem to really hate him more every day

a couple of really solid offers in here now. I'm giving the slight edge to norberjr, for reasons I'm not totally sure of myself, lol. I just like that card.

current leaderboard:
2)coltsfan23 - really close, I just like the CP3/DWill dual more
3)Steve_O_21 - nice collection of Grangers, but a single card outweighs multiples to me in this case... I do like those though
definitely a nice offer there, but the lead still stands. I'm just not too interested in either card personally, but thanks for the offer
ac-n-mike said:
new offer ;) LOL


I gotta make SOME money of of this LOL

So what is it a P if his name is Obama...Are we spelling President? Its like Having Sidney Rice letterman and it spells Widereceiver...
Sorry I didnt announce a winner this weekend... My computer at home was hit with a virus and I didnt go to any site that requires a password, just in case.

So without further ado, the winner is:

NORBERJR with the D-Will/Chris Paul dual jersey auto!

thanks to everyone who participated
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