3 Box Group Break Of 08 Ud Icons videos of break are up last page

tazmocan said:
I was so shocked to pull that I couldn't help myself LOL. I have had such bad luck pulling anything and it was a big surpise to get that auto

The excitment you had going on when you pulled that Jones is one of the reasons we all collect (To get that one pull that keeps us buying) It was nice to share one of your fav. pulls of the year. My comment wasent a jab its just it really put me in the mind of the excitment that a kid gets on Christmas.

looking forward to the stadium club break will keep my eyes open for that.

the 2 team idea was good. getting the one you want and a random one that probably wouldnt sell anyways.

we definitley need to do more.
I didn't get upset. I thought it was so cool to see some members get the same joy as I got when that card was pulled. I was so ellated and thats all I could say at the time LOL. That was like an early birthday present for me as it is this saturday so it came at the right time. totally made my week much better.
tazmocan said:
I didn't get upset. I thought it was so cool to see some members get the same joy as I got when that card was pulled. I was so ellated and thats all I could say at the time LOL. That was like an early birthday present for me as it is this saturday so it came at the right time. totally made my week much better.

Well Happy early birthday pm me your addy and I'll send ya out a Cowboys gued card for your B-Day