Football 2013 Prestige Box Break July 5th 8:30pm EST

Is it July 5th yet? Looking forward to another jacey break. And especially since Luke pulled me a geno jersey out of his spx I trust that you'll pull me a geno auto:).
Hey guys! You're not giving me a lot of feedback on the box break! I know everyone appreciates the 'licking' for luck but what would you guys like for it to be better? And don't tell me you just want to stare at the back of my hands! lol
Theres several good teams out there to grab. The bills for one, also the packers. Let's get this closed out. I'm really looking forward to another break with you all
SERRRIOOUSLLY, Jmattt! Someone grab the last spot and let's get this thing going! I'm looking forward to it too!
I'm looking at it like this. If the team you like is gone. Then why no drop $15 for a team tht has a player that if you pull an auto you'll get at least 4 times you money back. Plus you are buying 3 random teams. So all 4 hits could go to all 4 of your teams. $15 is well worth it.
Ty for choosing the colts please check details on what's next.payments are due has stated above as well as be ready for the trading of random teams deadline. I will post them at 3:05pm on Friday. If you guys want to tune in 30 min before the break we will be doing a show live about the box we are breaking and my opinions as well as lukes about prestige. So we hope to see u all there.
Depending on what teams I get I may be willing to trade 2-3 of them to growl for the rams. Also I'd throw in cam newton die cut refractor from 2013 bowman if interested? Well see whO the ransoms are then go from there. Just wanted you to know growl.
I knew the Rams would be coveted. Once the randoms are drawn we will see if we can make a deal. There are a few teams that I have in mind for trades. We will see on Friday.
I knew the Rams would be coveted. Once the randoms are drawn we will see if we can make a deal. There are a few teams that I have in mind for trades. We will see on Friday.

Smart man lol. Sounds good buddy. Thanks.