2008 Bowman Chrome Baseball Group Break, Break Complete, Watch Videos Now


Bench Warmer
3 BOXES OF 08 BOWMAN CHROME BASEBALL $16 FOR 2 TEAMS (1 picked, 1 random)


This is for 2008 Bowman Chrome. The title of the thread left out the word chrome.

24 packs per box. 10 cards per pack.

Home of the Rookie Card!

2008 Bowman Baseball now features even more must-have, Bowman Exclusive cards than ever before! NEW this year, 2008 Bowman Baseball presents Hobby Exclusive AUTOGRAPHED Bowman Chrome Prospect Cards, at an insertion rate of 1 per Hobby and HTA Box and introduces Bowman Scouts Autographed Cards, highlighting baseball scouts who have signed some of today’s most incredible MLB stars!

- NEW Bowman Chrome Autographed Prospect Cards! 1 PER HOBBY BOX!
- NEW Autographed Bowman Scout Cards!
- 110 Topps Exclusive Bowman Chrome Prospect Cards!
- 110 Topps Exclusive Bowman Prospect Cards!
- Each pack contains 5 Bowman Baseball cards PLUS 2 Prospect cards PLUS 2 Bowman Chrome Prospect cards PLUS 1 Gold Parallel card.


1. megabyterex - giants - Paid
2.dtrainddog - yankees - PAID
3. narcispy - mets - PAID
4. onestyle - cubs - PAID
5.shephech - redsox
6. JDpreas - diamondbacks - paid
7. narcispy - rangers - PAID
8. dacubs? - tampa bay - paid
9. Molitor04 - tigers - PAID
10. Molitor04 - angels - PAID
11. twins2008nathan - twins-paid
13.moosehead - brewers - paid
14.moosehead - royals - paid
15. bhelser1981 - reds-paid

Second TEams,

  1. marlins
  2. Orioles
  3. indians
  4. astros
  5. Blue jays
  6. dodgers
  7. cardinals
  8. Mariners
  9. padres
  10. pirates
  11. phillies
  12. nationals
  13. A\\\'s
  14. white sox
  15. rockies
Red Sox- Please hold them for me, as I am currently trying to sell something for $20 and will 100% take the Sox if I can get it sold.

I sold be able to because the card gets $30+ all the time.

Thanks. :)