$20 for 2 09 PP Legends Autos Moreno & Winslow Snr


Bench Warmer
Looking to move these 2 09 PP Legends Autos for $20 paypal gift...

Moreno RC Auto

Kellen Winslow Legends of the Hall Auto 23/150

Thanks for looking :party3:
Johnny5 said:
hey bud where are u shipping from in australia, how long does it take to Post to usa? thanx

I'd be shipping from Melbourne, Australia.. Shipping time varies... I've had some packages turn up in just over a week and others that can take upto 2 weeks or longer.. Usually never more then 14 working days
im also interested in your tommy hanson auto....have a tony parker national treasures collolsal gu #?99 and a ice man gervin insert #/25 both from NT...I dont have any tatum bell, but lkm what we can do my friend.
Johnny5 said:
im also interested in your tommy hanson auto....have a tony parker national treasures collolsal gu #?99 and a ice man gervin insert #/25 both from NT...I dont have any tatum bell, but lkm what we can do my friend.

Sorry mate really only looking to sell for now