Jun 8, 2008 #1 tguillotte Bench Warmer have these 3 soriano cards ft looking for nice autos in return 2008 finest # to/100
Jun 10, 2008 #3 tguillotte Bench Warmer BV ON THE SORIANO CUB BASE VERSION FOR THIS SET IS $50.00 Dacubs? said: whats the bv on the cubs one Click to expand...
BV ON THE SORIANO CUB BASE VERSION FOR THIS SET IS $50.00 Dacubs? said: whats the bv on the cubs one Click to expand...
Jun 10, 2008 #5 tguillotte Bench Warmer I AM INTERESTED IN THESE I HAVE SOME BLALOCK AUTOS IN MY BUCKET FT TO MAKE A BIGGER TRADE IF INTERESTED ALSO WHAT ARE THE BVS ON THESE CARDS Dacubs? said: let me know if I have anything you need for the soriano cubs Click to expand...
I AM INTERESTED IN THESE I HAVE SOME BLALOCK AUTOS IN MY BUCKET FT TO MAKE A BIGGER TRADE IF INTERESTED ALSO WHAT ARE THE BVS ON THESE CARDS Dacubs? said: let me know if I have anything you need for the soriano cubs Click to expand...
Jun 10, 2008 #8 D Dacubs? Bench Warmer markikas/rios bv=25 hafner bv=15 hanley bv=25 cc sabathia mini auto bv=15 rosen bv=15 but it has a ding
markikas/rios bv=25 hafner bv=15 hanley bv=25 cc sabathia mini auto bv=15 rosen bv=15 but it has a ding
Jun 10, 2008 #9 tguillotte Bench Warmer OK I WANT THESE 4 WHAT CAN WE WORK OUT markikas/rios bv=25 hafner bv=15 hanley bv=25 cc sabathia mini auto bv=15 Dacubs? said: markikas/rios bv=25 hafner bv=15 hanley bv=25 cc sabathia mini auto bv=15 rosen bv=15 but it has a ding Click to expand...
OK I WANT THESE 4 WHAT CAN WE WORK OUT markikas/rios bv=25 hafner bv=15 hanley bv=25 cc sabathia mini auto bv=15 Dacubs? said: markikas/rios bv=25 hafner bv=15 hanley bv=25 cc sabathia mini auto bv=15 rosen bv=15 but it has a ding Click to expand...
Jun 11, 2008 #10 D Dacubs? Bench Warmer what about the markikas/rios, hanley and sabathia for the soriano cubs auto and your 2007 marmol auto
what about the markikas/rios, hanley and sabathia for the soriano cubs auto and your 2007 marmol auto
Jun 11, 2008 #11 L lil brettinator Bench Warmer dacubs, would like the hafner. tiguillote, i would like the cubies soriono auto here is my bucket. plmk lil-brettinator - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
dacubs, would like the hafner. tiguillote, i would like the cubies soriono auto here is my bucket. plmk lil-brettinator - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Jun 13, 2008 #14 D Dacubs? Bench Warmer what about the markikas/rios, hanley and sabathia for the soriano cubs auto and your 2007 marmol auto
what about the markikas/rios, hanley and sabathia for the soriano cubs auto and your 2007 marmol auto