1994-2021 Bowman's Best Needs (Help me knock some sets out)


5.00 star(s)
I have 3,816 out of 19,873 Bowman's Best cards from 1994 to present. I have a massive wantlist on my website below. I do need these sets/inserts 5 cards or less of each that I could put these to bed:

2021 Bowman's Best Heat Wave Die Cut - 11 Judge ($10); 16 Soto ($8); 21 Arendado ($4); 27 Julio Rodriguez ($40); 30 Kelenic $10
2021 Bowman's Best Masterpieces 2 Trout ($10); 7 Bohm ($10) 9 Judge ($12); Soto $10

2019 Bowman's Best Neophyte Sensations 1 Guerrero ($10); 4 Lowe ($1.25) 6 Huira ($0.75) 9 Jimenez ($2)

2017 Bowman's Best Best Cuts DJ Jeter $5; CB Bellinger $8 GT Torres $8; WC Calhoun $2
2017 Bowman's Best Mirror Image 2 Bellinger/Vott ($5); 3 Benienendi/Yelich ($2.50); 15 Beck/Trout ($5); 18 ($1)

2015 Bowman's Best Mirror Image: 3-Seger Tulo ($2.50) 20 McCann/Stephenson ($1.50); LG - Lebron/Gonzalez ($5)
2015 Bowman's Best First Impressions: CR- Randolf; GW Whitley; JK Kaprienm; KT Tucker

2011 Bowman's Best 5 Cano ($1.25) 6 Utley ($1.25) 7 Ichirio ($2.50) 13 ($2.50)

2001 Bowman's Best Franchise Favorites FFAR Arod ($6) FFDE Erstad ($4)

2000 Bowman's Best Franchise Favorites FF1C Sean Casey Johnny Bench $2.50

1999 Bowman's Best Franchise Favorites: FR1A Jeter ($10); FR1B Mattingly $8

1998 Bowman's Best Best Pefromers BBP2 Travis Lee

1994 Bowman's Best BLUE (base set) 73 Van Ryn

Plus Let me know if you have any extra Bowman's Best Laying around and I'll send a wantlist.
