$100 Paypal for best 1-3 cards!!!!

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how about these for 100


Your posts are NOT needed. I just don't deal with people that I haven't heard of or are not verified
it IS needed...members need to know that REGARDLESS of whatever deals you are making...
you are a MUST SEND FIRST MEMBER on all transactions

either follow the rules of the site
(that are in place to PROTECT our members)
or find somewhere else to make deals...
arod812 said:
As there is NO reason for me having it, I will only pick and choose who I deal with.

AGAIN...either follow the rules of the site... or find some where else to trade
Show me where I have ever had a bad trade for me deserving this instead of some clown that posted that I was a scammer but had no proof. Like I said, I will only pick and choose who I deal with if I'm sending first
I'm sick of being called a scammer by you guys but you have no proof and won't show me at all. You just gave me this after someone just posted that I was but never had a bit of proof at all. I have NEVER and would NEVER rip anyone off. Like I said, I will only pick and choose who I deal with if I have to send first and probably not make many deals at all. Too many actual scammers out there unlike me. I doubt I would have a successful Ebay record of almost 800 feedback at 100% if I ripped people off like you all accuse me of.
I'm also not buying anymore so please don't post offers because you are wasting your time. There hasn't been 1 decent offer so I will keep my money
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