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i feel play your cards your dealt in this game.. Ive seen sick patch autos in almost every spot including a 1/1 heyward in your spot hiend... Just my opinion
Dantheman82 said:
Hey Guys how is spot # 5?

its a decent spot...no guarantee as to auto or patch in any of the spots, but there are spots that have better odds than others...for example, I think for the most part, the last hit in each box seems to be pretty good. I had a "supposedly" horrible spot in the last break, but I came out of it with probably the 4th or 5th (in my opinion at least) best card of the case
Hey I might be a little confused here seeing your guys's hits from last break. I didnt get to watch the video and I was assuming that the scans that were put into the thread were in hit order so now I have no idea what I got. I thought I had the Jim Brown as it was pic 1 in the scans and I had the first hit spot but maybe I am wrong.
the JIM BROWN was the first hit in the break...(yours)

the order of the pics... IS the order of the hits (from left to right row by row)

the base are just scanned at the bottom
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