Search results

  1. BobC

    Pro Football Coming to (East) Hartford CT?

    Pro Football Coming to (East) Hartford CT?:cheers::cheers: I hope so. I hate the Pats and it is to much of a hassle to go to New York (Jersey). Even though it won't be the NFL. It will be like going to minor league baseball. Which is okay with me. I would go to minor league baseball a lot...
  2. BobC

    Goal line blitz

    I have been playing Goal Line Blitz with my two son's it is a fun game. I will leave a link. If you join (free) then go back I get points to help build up my account to improve my player or buy a team. So please join and help me out. Thank...
  3. BobC

    EBAY Store

    Does anyone have an EBAY store and how do they do?
  4. BobC

    Anybody around?

    Anybody around to help pull Brett off the ledge?
  5. BobC


    Wow what a catch and run by Addai!!!
  6. BobC

    Who's a bigger *hole

    Who is a bigger ***hole? A-rod or Borass. THey could not wait one more day to opt out. I wish A-Rod would opt out of life and take Borass with him.
  7. BobC


    Dice-K right now has as many rbi's as the whole rockies team. :cheers::cheers::cheers:
  8. BobC

    Great Mail Day hope to get to use them

    Great Mail Day hope to get to use them
  9. BobC

    Bill Lee and I

    Went to see Bill Lee tonight.
  10. BobC

    Help winning auctions.

    There was a thread awhile ago on sites that help you win ebay auctions, I think was something like auction sniper or something like that. If anyone remembers what it was can you please post. Bob
  11. BobC

    How much do you think?

    How much do you think it should go for? I have 16 people watching it right now.
  12. BobC


    Anybody use the web site sportslots ? Also what is itrade and how do you get or lose points?