Search results

  1. M


    Looking to buy the following autos of donald brown spx dual patch auto /50 bowman chrome auto absolute auto rookie premiere autos LCM autos /25 /10 /5 /1 Elite auto Gridiron gear pullout auto Thanks
  2. M


    Looking to buy any dede dosey cards. PM or post with cards and prices. have paypal ready to go. thanks Mike
  3. M

    Does Anybody Want To Buy My Tom Brady Autos?

    lol hahahahahaha
  4. M

    Does Anybody Want To Buy My Tom Brady Autos?

    Werent you IP banned from beckett? Or were you just laughed and bashed off the boards for good? And if i remember correctly the ONLY reason you have the brady contenders auto was because everyone on beckett told you how stupid you were for not buying it at a card show for 150, so you went back...
  5. M

    Need- Dede Dorsey

    Looking for any dede dorsey cards that you may have. Would rather buy them but have some stuff to trade if necessary. Let me know what you need either way. Thanks
  6. M

    Does Anybody Want To Buy My Tom Brady Autos?

    hahahaha yeah that will happen. Good luck bud. I see you finally found a place where people are not bashing on you.
  7. M

    2007 Ultimate - no longer on card autos?

    I just hope the NFL logo/auto are on card autos that would be really weak.
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    Need John Beck Autos

    Yeah im suprised at how scarce some of his stuff is. BTW nice clemens in your sig.
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    ooohhhh CRAP INDY vs Sandoggie

    :( As a colts fan, this is hard to watch. Too many injuries
  10. M

    Need John Beck Autos

    Awesome man, I dont have quite as many cards of his as you but do have a nice little collection going. Hopefully we will see him starting next week. Yeah the spx is really nice but i cant spend that much either, ill wait for the LCM or the Ultimate logo :D Mike
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    Need John Beck Autos

    Thank you very much!! I see alot of old friends over here, should be a good time. :D
  12. M

    Need John Beck Autos

    :D Good to see another collector of Beck, did you see his spx 1/1, my god is that outrageous. I thought i had a chance at it but it looks like it is going to reach farther then my pockets are deep. I paid 610 for the Peyton manning LCM 1/1 logo, looks like beck is going to beat him out lol.
  13. M

    Need John Beck Autos

    Looking for Higher end John Beck autos, no press pass or sage. Let me know what you got and what you need. Thanks
  14. M

    Ebay mail (one hell of a steal)...+ freebies from Jimmy!!!

    Very nice mail, congrats on the steal. Gotta love sellers that list wrong
  15. M

    I'm a funny man.

    HAHAHHAHAHAHA thats great bud. :D