Search results

  1. Rake

    Travis Henry loves the WEED man

    Both of my kids' last names are Herny.
  2. Rake


    It's a shame we don't have any Seahawks fans on the board.
  3. Rake

    More holiday goodness from Chris and Darrin

    I received a Tee Martin auto :cheers: from Chris, and a Carl Pickens :cheers: card from Darrin. It's an Orange Xmas! Thanks guys. :salut::salut::salut:
  4. Rake

    Post your SURPRISE Superbowl winner this year

    Local sports radio listener called in and said his Super bowl winner pick was the Colts over the Steelers...yeah, let your head wrap around that one for a second.
  5. Rake

    i got dave...and a box of gu/auto junk

    Copeland :cheers::cheers::cheers:
  6. Rake

    Wife has not returned the digital camera...

    I thought for a sec that you had a white boy afro.
  7. Rake

    TCG mailday and a sweet steal.

  8. Rake

    TCG mailday and a sweet steal.

    That was mine. :redface: I guess I forgot to include J's event-worn bra. Ah well, next time.
  9. Rake

    the Abominable SnoGnome Contest....

    7 and 1/4.
  10. Rake

    Bobby Petrino resigns, off to coach Arkansas

    Well, who's going to coach them in the postseason? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  11. Rake

    We have a Troy Smith sighting

    We talking about Boller or Smith here...
  12. Rake

    Anyone got a base ball beckett handy?

    What is this "Beckett" that you speak of?
  13. Rake

    VICK gets 23 months!

    The Longest Yard, part 3, coming soon.
  14. Rake

    Do we have anyone that collects Ken Dorsey?

    Ahhhhh, ok thanks.
  15. Rake

    Do we have anyone that collects Ken Dorsey?

  16. Rake

    VICK gets 23 months!

    Too harsh. I'm no fan of Vick, but in a time where people get straight probation for child abuse and/or ****** assault, two years for fighting dogs is ludicrous. Vick should move to Hollywood and do his 84 minutes of jail time like Lindsay and Nicole. Stupid "justice" system.
  17. Rake

    Travis Henry fought the law

    The Law knows better than to jack with TARVIS F'N HERNY!!!
  18. Rake


    WOW. Reminiscent of the almost Tennessee Titan Dyson Super Bowl TD.
  19. Rake


    Ok someone explain to me WTF that kick was?
  20. Rake


    I think Baltimore should bring Denny Green in to do the postgame conference. :D