Search results

  1. cakjerseys27

    Looking for current Blackhawks

    Anyone out there wanna help me out?
  2. cakjerseys27

    Looking to grow my pc

    I have quite a few if interested in a list bud.
  3. cakjerseys27


    Trade between cakjerseys27 and JonP Cakjerseys27 receives Johnny bench printing plate Two 30's baseball cards Reuben Randall Auto Patch Morris Claiborne Patch JonP receives Eddie Lacy Platinum RC Geo Bernard Platinum RC EJ Manuel Platinum RC EJ Manuel GU Matt Barkley Patch Two baseball rookie...
  4. cakjerseys27

    Tony Romo 2003 R&S #/750 Rookie Card For Trade

    Let me check what I have. I kno I have a bunch of lions, and at least one rookie auto of Ryan Broyles.
  5. cakjerseys27

    Tony Romo 2003 R&S #/750 Rookie Card For Trade

    What are ya looking for for it?
  6. cakjerseys27

    Looking for current Blackhawks

    Title speaks for itself. I've got some football for trade. Please let me kno what ya got. This member is not allowed to buy, sell, or trade until they complete their deal with JonP. Then we'll discuss your status. Mod
  7. cakjerseys27

    Autographs for trade, possible sale

    Anyone? Looking to trade for cards.
  8. cakjerseys27

    Autographs for trade, possible sale

    Bump for the day
  9. cakjerseys27

    Autographs for trade, possible sale

    Halftime bump.
  10. cakjerseys27

    Autographs for trade, possible sale

    A local card shop here in my town. They send out for certifying and grading.
  11. cakjerseys27

    Robert Woods Rookie Inscriptions for trade

    It sure is a black Sig. Anyway to see a scan of that Gio?
  12. cakjerseys27

    Autographs for trade, possible sale

    This member is not allowed to buy, sell, or trade until they complete their deal with JonP. Then we'll discuss your status. Mod Hey all. Got these autos I'm looking to move to clear way for my new ones. For trade I'm mainly looking for cards. Chicago Bears, Gio Bernard, Eddie Lacy, Geno...
  13. cakjerseys27

    Robert Woods Rookie Inscriptions for trade

    Looking to trade this card. Looking for Chicago Bears, Gio Bernard, Eddie Lacy, and for baseball, Junior Lake. Thanks.
  14. uploadfromtaptalk1382565887064.jpg


  15. cakjerseys27

    Looking for redskins cards

    ok thanks. if I come across any, I will let u kno.
  16. cakjerseys27


    Do u have a set price on the giants team set, or the scott rookie? thanks.