Identify unknown BB card


Bench Warmer
Please help identify these cards.
I have 2 cards with the team logo in the center with a black border and gold glitter background. At the top is the American and/or National league logo with the team name across the bottom. There is a small circle on the left bottom of the card with the MLB log in a circle and genuine merchandise around the logo. There is a card number on the front at the bottom right. The back is blank. Does anyone know what they are? I really would appreciate the help.
Hi, if you can post a photo of the card, it would be helpful to try to identify it. Thanks!
Not sure but i think they may have come in a vending machine. U Seal It is a vending machine company i believe. Thanks for your time and reply my friend. Maybe someone else either has some of them or knows something about them.
Best wishes.
U-Seal-It produced some stickers back in the late 80s to early 90s. If the back is completely blank, my guess is that this could have been a backing for one of their sticker packs, unless that is a sticker itself.
Hello Larry. It is blank back. I think you may be right who and when but i don't think it is a sticker or has been tampered with. I found 5 or 6 of them on EBay by the same seller but they are all blank back. They are really great looking cards so i don't think they are the back of a sticker especially since they have a number on the front. I also think they may have came out of a vending machine since U Seal It is a vending machine type company. I appreciate you taking the time to try and help my friend. It's appreciated more than you know. I would really like to do the set but without knowing how many or where they came from might be really tough.
Thanks again.

Those are super cool looking! I dont know a ton about them, but it would maybe help to contact the seller(s) on ebay to see if they have any more info?

Just a thought!


Thanks Kevin. There are only 2 people that had these and i bought the ones i have from one of them. There are about 6 on Ebay listed by the same person. I ask both about them and both said they don't know anything about them. I tried looking up U-Seal-It and found them but no way to contact them and i think they are a vending sale/repair company. I found a phone number but it may or may not do any good if they only sell the machines. Thanks for the suggestion and for your time my friend.
Best wishes.
Thanks Kevin. There are only 2 people that had these and i bought the ones i have from one of them. There are about 6 on Ebay listed by the same person. I ask both about them and both said they don't know anything about them. I tried looking up U-Seal-It and found them but no way to contact them and i think they are a vending sale/repair company. I found a phone number but it may or may not do any good if they only sell the machines. Thanks for the suggestion and for your time my friend.
Best wishes.

You are so welcome, I did some research online too, and I couldn't find anything.....I also used Google lens to search the photo to see if there are any matches, but no luck there either.

My only other thought would be to bring one with you to your local card shop or a card show and ask around, it always seems like there are a couple tables at each show that specialize in rarities, oddball items, etc. and based on how we are all stumped and online searches haven't turned anything up, you may have a rarity on your hands!

You don't have an extra of these with the Cardinals logo by chance, do you? I would be interested in buying if so, no worries either way!


Hello Kevin. There are about 6 or 7 listed on EBay. There is a Cardinals listed for $6.99 + free ship. I tried to buy them all but no luck. It has make an offer so i ask the seller and he sent back a $4.00 offer. If you offer $4.00 you will probably get it. Do a search for "St Louis Cardinals Logo Card #20". Item # 124998888027. I really want them but i am retired and my budget is really tight so thought i would just pass it on to you my friend.
They may not be worth anything but i can tell you there are none out there except the 2 i have and these listed. Tell me they are the ones to buy.
Best wishes

You are so welcome, I did some research online too, and I couldn't find anything.....I also used Google lens to search the photo to see if there are any matches, but no luck there either.

My only other thought would be to bring one with you to your local card shop or a card show and ask around, it always seems like there are a couple tables at each show that specialize in rarities, oddball items, etc. and based on how we are all stumped and online searches haven't turned anything up, you may have a rarity on your hands!

You don't have an extra of these with the Cardinals logo by chance, do you? I would be interested in buying if so, no worries either way!


Did you buy the Cardinals one?