Hey all,
Welcome to September's First Half contest! On the giveaway block this month is a signed and super inscribed photo from Vern Law, who pitched the games of his life in the Pirtates' 1960 World Series vs. the Yankees!

Same rules as last time, guess a number between 1 and 30, one guess per member per day for the life of the contest.....I will randomize when the last number gets chosen and we will determine the winner that way! Going forward, I will add the stipulation that the same person can't win twice in a row, to keep it fair and fun for everyone who participates!
Welcome to September's First Half contest! On the giveaway block this month is a signed and super inscribed photo from Vern Law, who pitched the games of his life in the Pirtates' 1960 World Series vs. the Yankees!

Same rules as last time, guess a number between 1 and 30, one guess per member per day for the life of the contest.....I will randomize when the last number gets chosen and we will determine the winner that way! Going forward, I will add the stipulation that the same person can't win twice in a row, to keep it fair and fun for everyone who participates!
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