LTTF Golden Tate RC


5.00 star(s)
I'm looking to get a few RC's of Golden Tate of the Lions whom was a Sea-hawk for his RC year, I can trade or buy low-mid end RC's, lmk what you have and Thanks for the look. :)
okee doke...just pm me your address and I'll throw it in the mail for ya...btw,I have some hockey laying around somewhere I will send you.Probably not great cards but you may find something in them that you can use.Hava great day !
okee doke...just pm me your address and I'll throw it in the mail for ya...btw,I have some hockey laying around somewhere I will send you.Probably not great cards but you may find something in them that you can use.Hava great day !
Cool, Thanks! Pm coming
hey,had to go to the post office so I went ahead and mailed your card...I will find the hockey cards you can have sometime this month and I'll get them to you...I'll hafta dig for them so I didn't wanna hold the Tate RC up any longer
Thanks James, you will get a pay it forward

="James DeBusk, post: 242457, member: 177"]hey,had to go to the post office so I went ahead and mailed your card...I will find the hockey cards you can have sometime this month and I'll get them to you...I'll hafta dig for them so I didn't wanna hold the Tate RC up any longer[/QUOTE]