Little League World Series


Transactions: 1
Chicago v Las Vegas
Japan v South Korea

ive been rooting against Chicago the whole time because they have made such a big deal about the race of the team...I really wanted Philly to pull it out because of Mo'Ne, but she is even getting overexposed now, but she has been great in all the tv stuff ive seen...I think it really helps baseball as a whole, because little girls get interested in the game and im sure there are plenty of dads out there who always wanted a boy and ended up with all girls, so he raises them more tom-boyish...

we have seen some sport crossovers already, there have been a couple female college football players, Mannoin Rheoume or whatever in hockey in the 90s, granted it was minors...heck when I was in high school one of the towns had 2 girls on their Varsity basketball team, because the town is so small they couldn't field a girls team, so the 8 member basketball team had 2 girls on it...and that was 20 years ago...recently I know the town I graduated from has had a girl on the golf team even though their was a girls team...I believe she finished top 5 in state 3 of her 4 years...she played with the girls for state, but for team played boys...

I wish one of the girls would have hit a homer, maybe Philly gets one in their International...

im going Vegas v Japan for the International final...Japan had been playing 'small' ball until today, 25 singles, 4 doubles, and then today exploded with 3 or 4 home runs....

this is the only baseball I really care about...and not to be sexist, I watch some of the girls like 2 weeks ago when that was going on...the one was throwing 70mph, that's just unreal to me
I've only watched a few games, and only because my uncle is an umpire this year. Those kids are all damn good baseball players, though! I never realized just how good those kids were until this year.
I've only watched a few games, and only because my uncle is an umpire this year. Those kids are all damn good baseball players, though! I never realized just how good those kids were until this year.

Then you've been missing out!
the speech the Rhode Island coach gave after their loss was one of the best ive ever seen...been watching it for years, its good stuff
the speech the Rhode Island coach gave after their loss was one of the best ive ever seen...been watching it for years, its good stuff

I saw that on ESPN and I couldn't agree more. I'm sure these kinds of speeches happen after losses all the time, but to be able to see it is just awesome. He truly does love coaching those kids, and you can see it and hear it during his speech.

For those of you who haven't seen/heard it:

South Korea dominated Japan...Japan had one bad inning that killed them, gave up 7 runs on 3 hits with 3 walks and a HBP

looks like a power surge in this Vegas v Chicago, already 6 runs and the first inning isn't over

also, side note to the Rhode Island coach...ABC said that his dad was a high school hockey coach...won 26 straight STATE titles...winning 26 games in a row would be impressive, to win 26 titles in a career is crazy, and to do it in a row?
I would put money on South Korea finally putting an end to sick of the JRW 'all African American team'...had that not been stuffed down my throat the whole time, I may have noticed that they are all black kids, and being in the Chicago news market, its been the past 2 weeks of 'all African American team'...

im told that I have a racist view of things, because I don't think we should celebrate a team of all black kids for being all black kids, celebrate them for being the Chicago kids...if it was a team of all white kids out of Idaho, do you think they would be saying 'the first all white team out of Idaho to make it to the LLWS, or do you think it would be 'the youngsters from Idaho?'

also long as people continue to focus on accomplishments simply based on race, we will never get over racial bias...

and ive stated before I like that they let girls play, and the girls had some success, that is a story, instead of playing softball they want to play baseball, that's not fitting the gender code, but not going about it and having a bra burning before every take your best area kids, don't care if they are super short, super tall, can thrown 75 mph or 60 mph, get me a kid who can throw it over the plate, get me one that fields his position well, get me one that makes contact, get me one that listens on the base paths...that's what I care about...I don't care if they pee standing up or sitting down...but that's just me...

Korea has ALL pitchers available for the game, as they have been playing to where the starters only need 1-2 days of rest, and today they pulled everyone to have available tomorrow...I believe Chicago is down 3 pitchers, which his going to hurt...both teams have power, the Chicago short stop is definitely the MVP in the field, and the 4 HR guy would be the offensive MVP

we had some strong storms roll through today, so look for more rain there tomorrow..