The Official Basketball Team Hobby Box Club - July 2014
Well, May's break wasn't quite what I'd hoped for our opening break but then again, neither was the first football break I hosted. Things turned around there rather quickly, so let's hope the same thing happens here for us this month.
Anyways, assuming everyone stays with us we do have 2 new guys joining us this month that puts us at full.
If you'd like to join in the future, let me know what team(s) you'd be interested in and I'll get you on our waiting list.
Let's get to confirming, y'all. As always, if you have any specific box preference list that here too.
Boxes That We're Breaking
How It Works (Official Rules)
Each member will pay $50, via PayPal only. That will get us around $460-470 in cards each month after PayPal fees and shipping. Each member will get 3 teams. You get one team of your choice, which you'll keep from month to month. The remaining 20 teams will go to the members via a random snake style draft. You will get every single card pulled from all 3 of your teams each month. The breaks will be done live on video, and recorded to YouTube.
Fees will be due on, or around, the 15th every month. The boxes will be ordered and the draft will begin as soon as all payments have been collected. Once the draft is complete and the boxes are in the break will be scheduled.
1. Mike - Spurs - PAID
2. @Cool_Hand_Flash - Blazers - PAID
3. @franklinguy52 - Lakers - PAID
4. @captkirk42 - Wizards - PAID
5. @Amandashubby2010 - Bulls - PAID
6. @PAVI39 - Bucks - PAID
7. @franklinguy52 - Heat - PAID
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Well, May's break wasn't quite what I'd hoped for our opening break but then again, neither was the first football break I hosted. Things turned around there rather quickly, so let's hope the same thing happens here for us this month.
Anyways, assuming everyone stays with us we do have 2 new guys joining us this month that puts us at full.
Let's get to confirming, y'all. As always, if you have any specific box preference list that here too.
Boxes That We're Breaking
How It Works (Official Rules)
Each member will pay $50, via PayPal only. That will get us around $460-470 in cards each month after PayPal fees and shipping. Each member will get 3 teams. You get one team of your choice, which you'll keep from month to month. The remaining 20 teams will go to the members via a random snake style draft. You will get every single card pulled from all 3 of your teams each month. The breaks will be done live on video, and recorded to YouTube.
Fees will be due on, or around, the 15th every month. The boxes will be ordered and the draft will begin as soon as all payments have been collected. Once the draft is complete and the boxes are in the break will be scheduled.
1. Mike - Spurs - PAID
2. @Cool_Hand_Flash - Blazers - PAID
3. @franklinguy52 - Lakers - PAID
4. @captkirk42 - Wizards - PAID
5. @Amandashubby2010 - Bulls - PAID
6. @PAVI39 - Bucks - PAID
7. @franklinguy52 - Heat - PAID
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