WWE Chipz FT


Bench Warmer
I am looking to trade WWE Chipz for WWE Chipz. Preferably ones that haven't hit the floor. Let me know!

WWE Chipz Need
2 Randy Orton
8 Santino Marella
10 William Regal
19 Batista
27 Undertaker
35 Zack Ryder
47 Elijah Burke
51 Evan Bourne
59 Melina
60 Michelle McCool

14 Boogeyman


WWE Chipz FT

4 JTG (x2)
6 Shad (x2)
12 Chris Jericho
17 Michael Cole (x2)
23 Kofi Kingston
14 Cody Rhodes
24 Kane
25 Triple H
29 Umaga
30 Jim Ross
37 Deuce (x2)
38 Kung Fu Naki (x3)
41 Vladimir Kozlov
49 Tommy Dreamer
52 Matt Striker (x3)
53 Matt Hardy
55 Chavo Guerrero (x2)
57 Jillian
58 Maria
61 Eve
63 Victoria (x2)

Randy Orton
Carlito (x2)
Shawn Michaels
Matt Hardy (x2)
Hurricane Helms
I am looking to trade WWE Chipz for WWE Chipz.

WWE Chipz Need:
8 Santino Marella
47 Elijah Burke
51 Evan Bourne
59 Melina (Multiples I'll take)

14 Boogeyman (Multiples I'll take)


WWE Chipz For Trade:

4 JTG (x2)
6 Shad (x2)
12 Chris Jericho
17 Michael Cole (x2)
23 Kofi Kingston
14 Cody Rhodes
24 Kane
25 Triple H
29 Umaga
30 Jim Ross
37 Deuce (x2)
38 Kung Fu Naki (x3)
41 Vladimir Kozlov
49 Tommy Dreamer
52 Matt Striker (x3)
53 Matt Hardy
55 Chavo Guerrero (x2)
57 Jillian
58 Maria
61 Eve
63 Victoria (x2)

FOIL for trade:
Randy Orton
Carlito (x2)
Shawn Michaels
Matt Hardy (x2)
Hurricane Helms