WTTF/WTB Allen & Ginter "Science-related" Silk's/Blank Backs/basically #'d


Bench Warmer
I'm looking to acquire some of the rare versions of the A&G science-related cards. By rare versions I guess I basically mean serial #'d so definitely interested in Framed Mini Silk/Cloth, blank backs, woods, plates, to a lesser extent Bazooka's, etc. The main science-related A&G's I'm referring to are cards like Electron, X-Rays, Milky Way, Betelgeuse, Pluto, Lucy, and to a slightly lesser extent actual scientist like Einstein, Curie, Franklin, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, etc. I'm willing to trade or even buy if price is reasonable. I say reasonable because it's funny that some eBay sellers seem to think that the "odd" topics of these cards make them more desirable and valuable when in reality there are far fewer people interested in these topics compared to athletes. The last couple science Silk's that actually sold were a Lucy for $11 and 2 separate Ben Franklin's for about $17 each (and he even has much more desirability than just science) yet of the 3 science silk's currently listed, there isn't 1 under $100. There's a very crazy priced Electron silk for BIN/obo $399 (it is graded 9.5 but still crazy and hasn't even received 1 offer), an X-Rays silk for BIN $110, and a Leonardo da Vinci for BIN/obo $250. So if anyone has any of these cards to get rid of and doesn't want a million dollars for it (ha) please let me know.

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