Wtt football for baseball Cardinals


Bench Warmer
Just updated my trade site and photobucket. Lots of nice football looking to trade it for some Baseball Cardinal stuff. Mainly looking for current players or retired stars. LMK what you have and what you're interested in.

I don't really have much in the way of Steelers right now other than a couple of Holmes RC's. What Pujols do you have for trade? I have a show on Sunday and may be able to dig something up for you.


bdb3232 said:
i can use steelers i'll trade pujols 4 them lmk thanks
lol i also have a show this weekend i have a table and i can always move steelers so lmk if you can pick some up also i got a bunch of pujols base and inserts i'd say around 50 or so lmk thanks