Which FB Cases to Break and Why?



I occasionally break FB, usually Bowman Chrome, SPA, SPGU, SPX, and Exquisite, though I’ve tried Donruss Classics, Finest, and some others. While I’ve had some decent hits in those products, none has consistently excited me and none has consistently produced a $ profit (which certain cases in baseball ALWAYS do).

My goal is to get a case that is reasonably priced and has a decent chance of $ return- sot of like Bowman Chrome Baseball. $/profit is the main focus, though I always like nice cards. What case(s) would that be and why? Do you think 07 FB is going to be as hot/profitable as 06?

If you're a FB rc collector, do you hoard rcs of your 'guy' or do you just pick up 1-2? What cards (outside of awesome patches b/c everyone and their mother seems to love them) in FB catch your eye the most?

Gracias- off to the last day off hollywood park...my lincecums are coming back from BGS RCR today :)
I hoard like a mofo. :)

To me, baseball is boring. Nice and colorful but the "good" cards are of guys who only the biggest fans know.

The 07 FB class is not as "sexy" as 06. Not by a long shot. I'd stat away from SPx (ask Grant on that one :) ). I would say BC usually does good. Exquisite (if you can afford it), and SPA are also perennially great products but there are always some really bad boxes and cases. Finest is hit and miss. Contenders and Certified are always feast or famine so if you are wanting to minimize risk, dont go that route.
nothing in football flips all that great, baseball is full of prospectors so some guy could have a good week in Class AA ball and his stuff will go nuts...football flips well if you get the product the day it releases or earlier...none of the 'base' rookies really sell all that well, you have to hit a patch/auto or auto to do anything really...

and i hoard cards like andy...and i was the same way when i did baseball, i still have around 9000 ken griffey jrs, not all rookies though
There is no real 'hording' ability in fb... sure, there is an occassional 'home run' like Brady, and two week wonders (AJ Feely, Derek Anderson, etc) where starts put their cards in demand, but honestly just nothing to compare with BC Baseball prospecting. IF you are looking to hoard fb players, my best suggestion is...

--don't break a case
--pick 2 or 3 first day guys, skill position only (QB, RB, etc)
--Load up on their Contenders and SP Authentic Rookies

People I like hoarding wise who seem to have potential include...

-Edwards (QB Buff)
-Beck (QB Miami)
-Michael Bush (RB Raiders) -- not a first day guy but was first rounder till knee injury...

Just a few ;)

i think you should open up a case of topps chrome football. even though 07 class is not all that good you get atleast one big auto a case couple of them paying for atleast half the case maybe even more. plus look at bush rc last year you get 12 rcs per box. you pull a nice rc get it graded look nice. also you got a chance at a blue auto number to /50. another product this year would be bowman chrome nice autos usually. plus you get the chance to pull a red border auto/5.